Did you understand my point? No sir, I didn’t understand. Rather I am confused. Things go wrong from this point. When the subject matter is not thoroughly understood it creates the environment of misunderstanding. Misunderstanding is the direct output of confusion and it makes the case further complicated. Finally it ruins the whole subject matter and perhaps our life also. I think you are confused about this article. This article has may have created the environment of further confusion. This article is aimed at removing every confusion from your life but if you got confused with the essence of this article there is no hope to remove the confusion of your real life. Yes, it is the bitter truth that your life is in a way or other has been the victim of confusion. Someone may have misunderstood you. Your own near and daear friend may have been confused with your work , idea and ways. As a result he/she may have developed distance with you. Your parents may have been...